
Community tourism: Trekking in Ethiopia

Landlocked Ethiopia has many cultural and natural heritages. If you are interested in community tourism and trekking, I highly recommend community trek in Tigray, Ethiopia.

Take a flight, Ethiopian Airlines, from Addis Ababa to Mekele for about an hour or so, and you can enjoy rural Ethiopia with some visits to ancient historical rock-hew churches.

You can find rocky mountains which look like Ayers Rock in Australia.

I trekked with my family, my son was 4 years old and my daughter was only 8-month. It was really tough to carry baby all the way long. Sometimes, local guide and community members helped us to carry our daughter. My son enjoyed horse riding for the first time.

I was really really hard as we had to climb up rocky hills with baby on our back. But trust me, it worth it. Great view from the top of rocky mountain is so fantastic. Courtesy of local community makes you feel so comfortable and grateful after a long tough trek.

Let me give you some helpful tips.

1. Be ware of chick fleas, ticks and bed bedbugs. You’d better wrap your bag and clothes with plastics to protect it from bugs.

2. Get comfortable, high-quality trekking and hiking shoes. It’s really rocky and slippery, and you need to walk literally the whole day depending the course you take.

3. Reconsider what you bring in your backpack before starting off. Of course community guide can load your backpack on a mule if you ask for a help. But you are going to do is waling, walking and walking. Water and foods will be prepared by the community, so it is really advisable to minimize your luggage as much as you can.

One of the most fabulous experience you can expect is local coffee and community foods at community guest house. Beauty of the nature and courtesy of community will definitely make you feel so comfortable and relaxed.


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